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Total Health Clinic-Dr Phillip Dietrich


Phone (650) 291-0709
Address 841 West San Bruno Ave,
San Bruno, CA 94066 United States


At Total Health Clinic , we strive to provide a comfortable and friendly atmosphere, while getting you out of pain and achieving a maximum level of health in the quickest way possible. Located in San Bruno, Ca we are committed to providing you with pain relief/ wellness care programs for ailments that hinder your well being such as
•\tBack Pain
•\tCarpal Tunnel Syndrome
•\tChronic Fatigue
•\tChronic Illnesses
•\tExtremity Pain such as Shoulder, Elbows, TMJ, Wrist, Ankles, Foot
•\tHerniated Discs
•\tSleep Loss
•\tSoft Tissue Disorders
•\tSpinal Disorders
Our holistic care approach provides comprehensive treatment for patients of all ages. New patients are always welcome, same day appointments are available.
You don't have to settle for Pain any longer. Call us and let us help you...

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