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Colorado Springs Spine & Injury Clinic Chiropractors, Massage, Physical Therapy


Phone (719) 598-6955
Address 405 Windchime Pl,
Colorado Springs, CO 80919 United States


Why choose CSSI?
1. We care first & foremost about helping you feel your best by finding the root cause in order to customize a treatment plan that works for you.
2. We are the experts in both wellness and healing post-injury. Our Colorado Springs chiropractor, Dr. Ron, stays current with the latest research and continuing education opportunities. His advanced training certifies him to provide medical assessments that are admissible in court.We know how to get you on the path to recovery and will also refer you to our network of medical specialists when appropriate.
3. We are well versed at working with attorneys to seamlessly provide care, necessary documentation, resolution to diagnostic dilemmas and timely updates. We also accept lawyer liens and other financing options.
Take your health to the next level.
Our passion & 100% absorption in the practice & principles of the chiropractic profession takes your health to the next level.  People need help getting healthy more than ever. We study harder than ever to keep up. We have 37+ years of experience in the field of chiropractic and we still make progress every day.
Some additional reasons to choose us:
• Each one of our patients is seen within ten minutes.
• Our friendly staff treats people like family.
• The Colorado Springs Spine & Injury Clinic office is professional and comfortable.
• Our office is conveniently located off I-25 & Woodmen.
• We offer in-house second opinions.
• In-house physical therapists & massage therapists.
• We accept almost any insurance; don’t worry about the paperwork. Our specialist will handle that for you!

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