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Community Chiropractic


Phone (303) 818-0595
Address 808 S. Public Rd, Ste 100,
Lafayette, CO 80026 United States


At Community Chiropractic in Lafayette, CO, we want to help you live… better! We believe that we are naturally curious, intelligent, loving, energetic, and zestful when we are experiencing good health! We're not merely satisfied with helping you get through the day, but rather we work towards participating in a bigger picture that is more than just pain management - we're working to build and restore a better functioning you – one that moves better, feels better, and can keep up with an active lifestyle! Dr. Ramzi Dalloul is a chiropractor in Lafayette, CO who works diligently to stay current with the latest research and is forever learning and widening his depth of knowledge so as to improve quality of life for his patients. Imagine regaining your health and your natural zestful, curious, loving and energetic self... what will you do next?

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