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Comfort Chiropractic & Acupuncture


Phone (919) 872-1050
Address 700 Exposition Place #141,
Raleigh, NC 27615 United States


Find out today why we are one of the best chiropractic offices in the Raleigh Triangle. Dr. Linda Orlasky an expert chiropractor with 20 years of experience will consult with you to determine what treatment options are the best for your case by looking at the underlying cause for your condition instead of your symptoms. Our method is to combine Chiropractic care, functional medicine and acupuncture in a combination specific to your condition. We specialize in back pain, wrist injury, herniated disks, shoulder problems and any other localized or full body condition that is causing you pain.
Call us today to book an appointment we will get you in quickly and out of pain fast!

Categories : Chiropractor
Keywords : Raleigh Chiropractor, Functional Medicine Raleigh, Acupuncture
Business hours : 8:00am - 6:00pm Monday-Friday
Payment Methods: Cash, Credit Card, Check, Medical Insurance Accepted
Business since: 1997

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