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Terry A Smedstad, DC


Phone (713) 622-2225
Fax (713) 622-1031 - Fax
Address 4801 Woodway Dr, Ste 175E,
Houston, TX 77056 United States


Woodway Wellness is a family wellness clinic that specializes in chiropractic adjustments and spinal decompression therapy. Here at Woodway Wellness we see patients of all ages. Patients who have had car accidents, personal injury cases, those who want a great jump start at getting healthy, or simply want to maintain their health are all seen with the same level of loyalty and expertise by Dr. Terry Smedstad, D.C. Dr. Smedstad has been treating patients for over 30 years and his experience has led him to become one of the top chiropractors in the Houston area. Spinal decompression can help patients who have experienced pains related with sciatica, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and post-surgical pain. A great way to keep out of pain is by seeing our licensed massage therapist. With a specialty in neuromuscular therapy, our LMT is able to work on specific problem areas that need to be treated. Our clinic also has a naturopath onsite who assists in patient health and wellbeing using holistic and alternative medicine.

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