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PrimeSpine of Bellevue, Chiropractic & Massage


Phone (425) 590-9619
Address 4122 Factoria Boulevard Southeast #203,
Bellevue, WA 98006 United States


PrimeSpine is a chiropractic and massage therapy center in Bellevue, WA that specializes in treatment of back pain, car accident injuries, headache treatment, whiplash and sports injuries. Are you ready to visit one of the newest chiropractic and massage clinics in Bellevue Washington? PrimeSpine's Bellevue clinic offers a relaxed, modern, and family friendly environment. You can expect a friendly staff that goes the extra mile to deliver personal patient care. Currently PrimeSpine's Bellevue Chiropractic and Massage Center is one of the only centers in Bellevue that is open on saturday & sunday. Operated by Dr. Ben Baker, PrimeSpines accepts all major insurance plans. Chiropractic treatments are also available at the Kirkland chiropractic clinic.

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