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Dr. Camhy Cao Hall


Phone (562) 867-6183
Fax (562) 866-4740 - Fax
Address 5220 Clark Ave #445,
Lakewood, CA 90712 United States


Dr. Camhy Hall is an Acupuncturist and Chiropractor practicing at All Pro Health Center in Lakewood, CA. She is a dedicated believer in the incredible and natural healing abilities of the body, mind, and soul. She has always known she would be a practitioner of health and an advocate of relaxation, meditation, exercise, wholesome eating, and above all else, a positive attitude towards oneself and one's circumstances. Her ultimate purpose is to empower the public with the truth about healthy living, healthy foods, health products, herbal and prescriptive medicines, and diseases. She wishes to provide insight, encouragement, hope, and understanding of inner peace through health and prevention. All Pro Health Center embodies her passion for wellness with chiropractic, acupuncture, rehabilitation, patient education, nutrition, herbal medicine, supplement, and x-ray. Obtain knowledge, have hope, transform, heal, and be empowered.

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