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Triad Of Health Family Healing Center


Phone (415) 459-4313
Fax 419-715-9257 - Fax
Address 4340 Redwood Highway D318,
San Rafael, CA 94903 United States


Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff, DC, DIBAK, is a licensed and practicing chiropractor in the state of California. He is also a Diplomate of the International Board of Applied Kinesiology and the Clinical Director of Triad Of Health Family Healing Center in San Rafael, California. He has written several papers on Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction, the Acupuncture Meridian Systems, and a variety of other topics such as permanent weight loss, the benefits of high cholesterol levels, Andropause, etc… Becoming a Diplomate of the International Board of Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK) requires 3 years of study and 5 hours of exams. There are only 5 practicing DIBAKs in northern California. The DIBAK must be well versed in Cranial Sacral Therapy, the acupuncture meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Frank Champman, MD’s Neuro Lymphatic Reflexes, Dr. Clarence Bennett, DC’s Neuro Vascular Reflexes, mental / emotional / spiritual therapies, applied clinical nutrition, all aspects of the nervous system and a variety of other aspects of health and disease. Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff, DC, DIBAK specializes in helping women with hormonal imbalances and people who suffer from thyroid disease.

He has been practicing in San Rafael for just over a decade. His office sees miracles every day. It is not uncommon for people to come to Triad Of Health Family Healing Center after having been using 4 or 5 prescription meds for 16 years to no longer need any of their medications after less than 6 months of care. We have had patients with thyroid cancer see their cancers decrease by 50% after a single treatment visit. These results were confirmed with follow up ultrasound studies. Follow up visits revealed that the thyroid cancer was no longer present in the thyroid gland. I have had a handful of rheumatoid arthritis patients have all their symptoms go away after just 3 or 4 visits. Some patients’ lab results have revealed cholesterol levels coming down 120 points in a 10 week period and blood pressure decreasing by 41 points in 2 treatment visits.

In addition to Applied Kinesiology, Dr. Skolnikoff, DC, DIBAK's studies and clinical expertise involve the following disciplines:

• Energy Medicine
• Functional Endocrinology
• Emotional Therapies
• Acupuncture
• Naturopathy
• Osteopathy
• Applied Clinical Nutrition
• Herbs
• Homeopathy
• Flower Essences
• Total Body Modification
• Neuro Emotional Technique
• Total Kinesiology
• Behavioral Kinesiology
• Gonstead Technique

To support the health of my patients, my healing center keeps a well-stocked herbal pharmacy, homeopathic pharmacy, nutritional pharmacy and over 250 different flower essences.

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