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Align Chiropractic Center


Phone (303) 776-0882
Address 1318 Vivian St,
Longmont, CO 80501 United States


Looking for a Chiropractor in Longmont CO? Align Chiropractic Center in Longmont is a patient-centered and results-driven family practice that provides exceptional chiropractic care in a compassionate atmosphere.
Visit our website at: or call 303-776-0882.

How do we stand apart from other Longmont chiropractors?
Whether you are a working professional, an athlete or child, the care you receive will be tailored to your specific needs with your goals in mind.

Dr. Mikalaitis and our team provide personalized attention, incomparable results and a true appreciation for treating the person and not just the condition is what sets us apart. We customize chiropractic care to our patients needs to eliminate pain and allow you to return to daily activities.

As your Chiropractor, Dr. Mikalaitis will get to know you as a patient to get a complete picture of your health. Our focus on understanding the symptoms and the underlying cause of your health issues means you receive the individual attention and tailor-made health care you deserve from a chiropractor.

Dr. Mikalaitis specializes in low back pain, disc problems, sciatica, headaches, vertigo, neck/upper back pain, extremity injuries, sports chiropractic, muscular/nerve problems and injuries from car/work accidents.

Whether you have a specific complaint or are simply looking for total wellness, Align Chiropractic Center can help. We look forward to providing you with the best wellness health and chiropractic care in Longmont Colorado.

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