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Light Touch Chiropractic


Phone (719) 600-1926
Address 3237 W Carefree Circle Bldg F,
Colorado Springs, CO 80917 United States


Dr. Rob Gottesman practices a specialty within chiropractic called Activator Methods chiropractic Technique® and is known for extremely detailed, real-time analysis and very gentle corrective adjustments. The accuracy of the analysis allows Dr. Gottesman to identify and effectively resolve accumulated injury, trauma and stress with very light force. The Activator Method Chiropractic Technique is scientifically backed by 24 clinical trials (Research | Clinical Trials | Activator Methods International)

There is no popping or cracking or high velocity adjustments needed. The body actually prefers to be in a corrected state and when addressed and corrected in such detail, the results are adjustments with significant holding power. Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique is an original non-force technique within Chiropractic, developed by Dr. Arlan Fuhr starting in the 1970′s. What is most attractive to patients is the “very gentle,” light force approach to correcting accumulated injury and trauma as well as the relatively few number of visits needed.

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