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Lupo Chiropractic Center


Phone (586) 772-5876
Address 27850 Gratiot Ave,
Roseville, MI 48066 United States


Lupo Chiropractic Center is a top provider of chiropractic care in Roseville. Dr. Lupo has been serving the Metro Detroit community since 1978. Dr. Jeff joined the practice in 2000 as did Dr. Jessie in 2002. In 2005, Dr. Lupo learned of the new, FDA-cleared, breakthrough medical technology called "Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression" (DRX-9000) which helps patients heal herniated and bulging discs avoiding back surgery. They have a high success rate having helped many patients get their lives back. Visit us sometime soon at our store location or call us today at (586) 772-5876.

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