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Kidd Chiropractic and Wellness


Phone (843) 797-3290
Address 105 Greenland Dr,
Goose Creek, SC 29445 United States


Goose Creek Chiropractor Dr. Debbie Kidd, DC of Kidd Chiropractic and Wellness takes a whole person approach to healthcare. At Kidd Chiropractic and Wellness in Goose Creek, SC, Dr. Kidd is committed to helping all of her patients live a healthy and active life. Dr. Kidd is incredibly passionate about empowering each of her patients with the knowledge and resources to take control of their health.

Devotion to her patients and 34 years of experience is what characterizes Dr. Debbie Kidd. She has spent all of her service years at Kidd Chiropractic in Goose Creek, South Carolina. Dr. Kidd graduated from Life Chiropractic University in Atlanta GA in 1979 and also attended Francis Marion in Florence, South Carolina for her undergraduate studies. She has and continues to attend a diversified number of seminars which includes Neurology, Geriatrics and Physiotherapist. Dr. Kidd enjoys speaking engagements and special events to educate the public about Chiropractic health and wellness.

At Kidd Chiropractic and Wellness, Dr. Debbie Kidd, DC provides specialized care including chiropractic care, prenatal care, massage therapy, therapeutic exercise, sports injury rehabilitation, workers’ comp and more. Most insurance plans are accepted and appointments are available select weekdays and every other Saturday. Call us at (843) 797-3290 and our helpful team will schedule your appointment for optimal health!

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