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Johnstone Chiropractic


Phone (425) 357-7634
Address 515 State Route 9 NE,
# 105,

Lake Stevens, WA 98258 United States


Johnstone Chiropractic has been in practice since 1997 and has continued to provide professional, gentle chiropractic care in a comfortable office environment over the years. Known for its friendly and knowledgeable staff, Johnstone Chiropractic offers the kind of services and help that one would expect from an establishment that prides itself on patient education.

Thank you for considering our practice for your chiropractic needs. Dr. Jeremy Johnstone has more than 20 years worth of experience in the chiropractic field, and is a firm believer in helping patients with injury rehabilitation, injury prevention and wellness care. We hope that we are what you’re looking for.

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